Ystod Tymheredd:-20℃Ato+ 150℃
Pwer: 220 V
a. Compressor: imported from France Taikang full hermetic high efficiency compressor
b. Refrigerant: environmental refrigerant R-404
c. Condenser: air-cooled condenser
d. Anweddydd: Addasiad Capasiti Llwyth Awtomatig Math Fin
e. Accessories: desiccant, refrigerant flow window, repair cutting, high voltage protection switch.
f. Expansion system: freezing system for capillary capacity control.
a. Zero crossing thyristor power controller 2 groups (temperature and humidity each group)
b. Two sets of air burn prevention switches
c. Water shortage protection switch 1 group
d. Compressor high pressure protection switch
e. Compressor overheat protection switch
f. Compressor overcurrent protection switch
g. Two fast fuses
i. Line fuse and fully sheathed terminals
a. Made of Taiwan 60W lengthened stainless steel coil.
b. Multi-wing Chalcosaurus speed up the amount of heat and humidity circulation.
a. Tanc dŵr dur gwrthstaen adeiledig 10l
b. Automatic water supply device (pumping water from the lower level to the upper level)
c. Water shortage indication alarm.
a. Controller specifications:
b. Swyddogaeth reoli:
9. materol
V ewyn anhyblyg + gwlân gwydr
This chamber uses the fluorescent ultraviolet lamp that best simulates the UV spectrum of sunlight, and combines temperature control and humidity supply devices to simulate the high temperature, high humidity, condensation, dark rain cycle and other factors that cause discoloration, brightness, intensity decline, Cracio, plicio, malurio, ocsidiad a difrod arall i'r deunydd yng ngolau'r haul (segment UV). At the same time, through the synergistic effect between ultraviolet light and moisture, the single light resistance or single moisture resistance of the material is weakened or failed, which is widely used in the evaluation of the material's weather resistance. The equipment has the best sunlight UV simulation, low maintenance cost, easy to use, automatic operation of the equipment with control, high degree of automation of the test cycle, and good lighting stability. Atgynyrchioldeb uchel canlyniadau profion. Gellir profi'r peiriant cyfan neu ei samplu.
Cwmpas y Cais:
Cydymffurfio â Safonau Profi Rhyngwladol: ASTM D4329, D499, D4587, D5208, G154, G53; ISO 4892-3, ISO 11507; En 534; EN 1062-4, BS 2782; Jis D0205; SAE J2020 D4587 a safonau prawf Heneiddio UV cyfredol eraill.
Mae'r cynnyrch hwn yn defnyddio'r lamp UV fflwroleuol sy'n efelychu sbectrwm UV orau
powdr, ocsidiad a difrod arall i'r haul (segment UV) tymheredd uchel,
Lleithder, cyddwysiad, cylch glaw tywyll a ffactorau eraill, ar yr un pryd
gwrthiant sengl materol. Mae'r gallu neu wrthwynebiad lleithder sengl yn cael ei wanhau neu
wedi methu, a ddefnyddir yn helaeth ar gyfer gwerthuso ymwrthedd tywydd deunyddiau, a
Rhaid i'r offer ddarparu efelychiad UV golau haul da, cost cynnal a chadw isel,
Gradd y cemeg, sefydlogrwydd goleuo da, atgynyrchioldeb uchel canlyniadau profion.
Cwmpas y Cais: